Student Council started their annual food drive this week. All families are invited to send in non-perishable food items. Donations will be distributed locally to those in need. Thank you in advance for supporting our Student Council with this project!
9 months ago, Roy Hufford
food drive
Congratulations Lynnon on being named today's Cougar of the Day! She's a hard worker, and a great friend to her classmates. We love having her as part of our learning community! Keep it up Lynnon!
10 months ago, Roy Hufford
Thank you to all of our parents, staff and bus drivers who were flexible and patient as we worked through getting students home this evening. Shout out to our 6th grade parents who picked up their students, and were understanding of us holding onto younger siblings. We are lucky to have such a great school community!
10 months ago, Roy Hufford
Cougar of the Month Our November winner is fifth grade teacher, Miss Wickersham. She was nominated by Clete Campbell. Clete said, “ I would like to nominate Miss Wickersham because she has made me excited to come to school and it’s been so fun! Now I love coming to school, and it has been a blast!”
10 months ago, Amy Radcliff
Congratulations Parker for being today's Cougar of the Day! Mrs. Conn nominated Parker because he has a great attitude and solid work ethic. Today we recognize him for his awesomeness! Well done Parker!
10 months ago, Roy Hufford
Good afternoon, This notice is to let you know of an upcoming bus time change for your student. You child currently rides Mr. Merl’s bus, which is a bus that has a daily, double route servicing the Flora area. Due to an increase in the number of students being serviced by these routes, one of these routes is overcrowded. To help ensure student safety, and relieve this overcrowding, we will be making a bus route change starting this Thursday, November 16, 2023. If you are receiving this message, your child will be picked up and dropped off approximately 15 minutes earlier in the morning and afternoon. We ask for your patience as we work out exact timing for each stop, and please know by the end of next week we should be back to a consistent pickup/drop off time. In the interim, we ask that you please have students to their bus stop 15-20 minutes earlier than their current time, and expect students to arrive home 15-20 minutes earlier in the afternoon. Again this change will be in effect this Thursday, November 16. Thank you for your patience and understanding. Our goal is to provide each student adequate room on the bus both to and from school. We look forward to ensuring your child’s safety and comfort with these necessary changes. Have a great afternoon!
10 months ago, Roy Hufford
Parents of some students who ride the bus from Flora (Bus #14) received information today in regards to routes changes that will take effect on Thursday. Only students who are effected by these changes were notified. If you have further questions, please contact the office on Wednesday.
10 months ago, Roy Hufford
Congratulations Miles on being named Cougar of the Day today! Miles is a great kid who leads by example both in and out of class, and was nominated by Miss Wickersham. Thank you for your great leadership Miles!
10 months ago, Roy Hufford
Congratulations Sadee for being our Cougar of the Day! Sadee was nominated by Mrs. Brown for being kind and helpful to her classmates. Great work Sadee!
10 months ago, Roy Hufford
Today we took time to recognize and show appreciation for veterans! We appreciate the sacrifices they made to ensure our freedoms!
10 months ago, Roy Hufford
Congratulations Cole for being our Cougar of the Day! Cole is an outstanding student and friend, so we are taking time today to celebrate him! Great job Cole!
10 months ago, Roy Hufford
Way cool kid alert! Shiloh, a CES 6th grader, recently competed on a national stage in the junior long range rifle competition...and WON!! What a great accomplishment for Shiloh to be named 2023 United States Junior National Long Range Champion! This bestows upon the honor of being a member of the United States U-25 (25 and under) Rifle Team. She will not only compete in 2 more national championships over the next couple years, and will compete at the world championships in London in 2026. Well done Shiloh!
10 months ago, Roy Hufford
Congrats to Jessie and Zach Cook on the arrival of Ashton! Jessie is a member of our food service team.
10 months ago, Roy Hufford
Students who normally ride Carla Richardson's Bus (Bus 23) will ride on Deidra Hahn's Bus (Bus 16) today. Those students may arrive home 15-20 minutes later than normal. If you would prefer to pick your child/children up, please call the main office. Thank you!
10 months ago, Kristen Ray
Hey hey whaddaya say, let's recognize two very special Cougars of the Day!?!? Congratulations to Hope and Damon for being recognized this week! Hope was nominated by Miss Brown because she always tries her best and never gives up, and Damon was nominated by Mrs. Sanders for working hard, showing respect, and being a great friend to all. We are proud to recognize you both for being awesome!
10 months ago, Roy Hufford
Pre-K kiddos make every day brighter!
10 months ago, Roy Hufford
Looking for Carroll swag to give as a Christmas gift? We have you covered!
10 months ago, Roy Hufford
We had some very talented CES students sharing the stage with their Jr/Sr high cast members in Peter Pan this weekend! Well done crew! Special thank you to Ms. Mikel and Mr. Shuler for letting our students participate.
10 months ago, Roy Hufford
Congratulations Remy for being our first Cougar of the day this year! He was nominated by Mrs. Skinner because he always has a smile, is happy, and gives the best high fives and hugs. Well done Remy! We look forward to recognizing many more Cougar of the Days this year!
10 months ago, Roy Hufford
Yesterday students enjoyed showing off their costumes by parading through the halls. You can check out the many cute kids here!
10 months ago, Roy Hufford