This guy! According to Mrs. McGrew, Kash brightens the day, and knows how to both work hard and play hard. I cannot imagine a better description for today's Cougar of the Day. Keep brightening our days, Kash!
Our 6th Grade Boys Basketball plays Eastern at CES tonight. 6A at 6:00, followed by 6B. Hope to see you there!
Our Cougar of The Day today was none other than Duke. Mrs. Bean works with Duke daily on learning his numbers, and was happy to report that with a good attitude and hard work, he's making great progress. Keep working hard, Duke!
Today's Cougar of the Day is Nevaeha. Her teacher, Mrs. O'Brien, praised her for being a hardworking student who is always on-task. What a GREAT way to be described! Congratulations, Neveaha!
Mrs. Conn nominated 6th grade student Trinity as our Cougar of the Day. Trinity's unwavering kindness and integrity impressed Mrs. Conn! Having integrity is held in such high regard. Trinity, keep it up! This will serve you well in life!
We will start at 10:00 this morning. Two-hour Delay always means a 10:00 a.m. start (even if it happens on a Wednesday). Bundle up, and we hope to see your students soon!
Bubbly and energetic Lillian is today's Cougar of the Day, and she sure was excited to hear her name on the announcements! Mrs. Hustedt nominated her for always trying her best, even when things seem hard for her. At CES, we call that "having grit," and we are so proud of Lillian for her work ethic. Keep it up!
For Tuesday, January 7, our Cougar of the Day is Ella. Mrs. McIIrath was so excited to nominate and celebrate Ella today! We love having such wonderful students in our building. Congratulations to Ella!
Our very first Cougar of the Day for 2025 is Kindergarten superstar Carson! Mrs. Blocher nominated Carson for being hard-working, kind, caring, and helpful. Carson is an awesome Carroll Cougar!
Penguins call this "huddling" or "social thermoregulation." At CES, we call this delightful and sweet! Thanks, Mrs. Blocher and students, for spreading holiday cheer throughout the building!
CES parents/guardians,
Thursday is PAJAMA DAY! All students have lessons & activities planned around The Polar Express. We can't wait for the festivities!
PTO Meeting scheduled for tonight is CANCELLED due to road conditions. Stay home and stay safe!
Selena was honored as today's Cougar of the Day for being hardworking, kind, and caring. Mrs. Collins loves having her in the classroom, and we are all so happy Selena is a Carroll Cougar!
CES students go outside for recess as long as the windchill is 15 degrees or above. I apologize for providing misinformation yesterday!
Did you know Carroll Elementary School has an active and generous Parent-Teacher Organization? Our PTO does so much for our staff and students! If you are interested in learning more about the organization and how to get involved, please come to tonight's meeting! December 11, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. in the CES Library. See you there!
Today's Cougar of the Day is Mason. According to Mrs. Hufford, Mason is always willing to help his classmates and share his things. What wonderful traits! We are proud of you, Mason!
If your child is a CES student and is in need of a coat, please contact The Blessing Closet. You can text 765-412-7993 to set up an appointment.
It was previously shared that Carroll students go outside for recess as long as it is above 10 degrees, but I was mistaken. The CES Student Handbook states that the windchill must be above 15 degrees. Still, BRRRRR! Let's make sure all our children have warm gear for this winter!
Kaliana was nominated as our Cougar of the Day for being kind and helpful to her peers. Not only that, but Mrs. Tinsman said she always participates and pays attention in class. Way to go, Kali!!
"Even when things were not going well, you always had a good attitude."
Alice, I cannot imagine a better compliment to receive from Mrs. Adams! Being positive is a wonderful trait...keep smiling!
"The Blessing Closet" was started by recently retired CES Teacher Diana Brown as a resource for Carroll Elementary School students in Grades PreK-6. The mission is to provide high-quality clothing, coats, and shoes to students who may not otherwise have these items. All items are free to families in need.
Available items include new and nearly new clothes, coats, gloves, hats, hoodies, long sleeve shirts, short sleeve shirts, jeans, sweats and some shoes.
Families with CES students may text Diana Brown at 765-412-7993 to set up an appointment to shop at The Blessing Closet.