Our "One School, One Book" program for 2025 is underway! CES staff and students are reading How to Eat Fried Worms in the days between now and Spring Break. We encourage ALL families to read along and experience the fun! (Would YOU eat 15 worms for $50?)

Yesterday, we celebrated first grade student Yanira as our honored Cougar of the Day. Her teachers praised her for being an outstanding student who puts forth effort all day long. Yanira, thank you for being such a wonderful role model!

Today, we celebrated 5th grade student Josie as our Cougar of the Day. Mrs. Hall praised her for working hard, asking questions, and always being ready to learn. Josie, we are so happy you are a Carroll Cougar! Keep striving to be your best!

Due to weather, all afternoon and evening events at CES are cancelled for the balance of today. This includes athletics, tutoring, and meetings. Stay warm and stay safe!

Parents/Guardians/Family/Friends of CES Students,
As we approach Valentine's Day and all of the fun that comes with school celebrations, we ask that you refrain from sending flowers or balloons to your child if they ride the school bus home. There are many reasons for this restriction, including breakable vases, large balloons that restrict the drivers' views, and limited space in the seats.
Thank you in advance! We are all looking forward to the fun Friday will bring!

Kindergarten and Pre-K Round-Up
We are getting ready for a brand new batch of Little Cougars! The date for Kindergarten Round-Up has been set for Tuesday, April 8th from 8:30 a.m.- 6:00 p.m. Your child must be 5 by August 1, 2025 to be eligible for kindergarten. The day of your appointment, you must bring your child, your child's original birth certificate, immunization records, kindergarten physical, a copy of a custody agreement (if applicable), proof of residency (mortgage statement, rental lease, or utility statement), and a copy of parents' identification. A custodial parent/guardian must attend the appointment.
Kindergarten appointments can be scheduled online at https://forms.gle/1XpbeUciPjjU28ht8.
Pre-K Round-Up will also be Tuesday, April 8th from 8:30 a.m.- 6:00 p.m. Your child must be 4 by August 1, 2025 to be eligible. Our Pre-K program is income based; please contact the office if you are unsure if you qualify. The day of your appointment, you must bring your child, your child's original birth certificate, immunization records, a copy of a custody agreement (if applicable), proof of residency (mortgage statement, rental lease, or utility statement), and a copy of parents' identification. A custodial parent/guardian must attend the appointment.
Pre-K appointments can be scheduled online at https://forms.gle/4R1C4TAH76oE4ZwC9.

Friday is HAT DAY at CES! Wear your coolest or funniest or biggest hat. Bring $1 and help your class WIN!

Today was the 10th annual "Global School Play Day." And BOY, did our students play! It was a whole day without electronics or screens, designed with the intention of reminding children how fun unstructured play can be. Our students built with LEGO, played with dolls, colored and drew, played board games...it was a special day at CES!

Fifth grade teacher Mrs. Meek was so impressed with Millie's kindness that she nominated her as our Cougar of the Day. In Mrs. Meek's words, Millie "chooses to be kind to ALL students, not just her close friends." Keep spreading your kindness around, Millie!!

Fourth grade student Tyler was nominated by his teacher Miss Stout (and the student teacher, Miss Powlen) for a great display of character and attitude. Hip, hip, hooray, Tyler! We love when student exhibit these!

We have some Cougars of the Day to catch up on! Second grade student Augie was honored for not only working hard, but for respecting his teachers and peers. Showing respect is such an admirable quality, Augie! Keep it up!

This guy! According to Mrs. McGrew, Kash brightens the day, and knows how to both work hard and play hard. I cannot imagine a better description for today's Cougar of the Day. Keep brightening our days, Kash!

Our 6th Grade Boys Basketball plays Eastern at CES tonight. 6A at 6:00, followed by 6B. Hope to see you there!

Our Cougar of The Day today was none other than Duke. Mrs. Bean works with Duke daily on learning his numbers, and was happy to report that with a good attitude and hard work, he's making great progress. Keep working hard, Duke!

Today's Cougar of the Day is Nevaeha. Her teacher, Mrs. O'Brien, praised her for being a hardworking student who is always on-task. What a GREAT way to be described! Congratulations, Neveaha!

Mrs. Conn nominated 6th grade student Trinity as our Cougar of the Day. Trinity's unwavering kindness and integrity impressed Mrs. Conn! Having integrity is held in such high regard. Trinity, keep it up! This will serve you well in life!

We will start at 10:00 this morning. Two-hour Delay always means a 10:00 a.m. start (even if it happens on a Wednesday). Bundle up, and we hope to see your students soon!

Bubbly and energetic Lillian is today's Cougar of the Day, and she sure was excited to hear her name on the announcements! Mrs. Hustedt nominated her for always trying her best, even when things seem hard for her. At CES, we call that "having grit," and we are so proud of Lillian for her work ethic. Keep it up!

For Tuesday, January 7, our Cougar of the Day is Ella. Mrs. McIIrath was so excited to nominate and celebrate Ella today! We love having such wonderful students in our building. Congratulations to Ella!

Our very first Cougar of the Day for 2025 is Kindergarten superstar Carson! Mrs. Blocher nominated Carson for being hard-working, kind, caring, and helpful. Carson is an awesome Carroll Cougar!